

God calls us to respond in worship to his revelation. Therefore, Dr. Ron Man, former Pastor of Worship/Missionary in Residence at First Evangelical Church in Memphis, Tennessee, and Director of Worship Resources International, has taught worship in 41 countries, maintains…


Let’s explore how we all see the world differently. Dr. Lewis Winkler, Professor of Theology at East Asia School of Theology, Singapore, has graciously provided his resources to help others see life from God’s viewpoint. Note that the PPT for…


What we think of God is the most important thing about us, so perhaps no doctrine has been opposed more than the Trinity. This Christian teaching affirms that one God is, in fact, three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.…

Topical Preaching

The Bible addresses many subjects, so it helps to see how various Bible texts address a topic instead of limiting ourselves to one passage. Unless otherwise noted, each topical PPT, video, or sermon manuscript below is by Dr. Rick Griffith.…


Theology is simply the study of God, which is addressed on every link of this website. However, some basics on the creeds and responses to recent theological claims are offered below. See also the specific theology links at the bottom…

The Story of Scripture

The New York Times defines a “best seller” when book sales top one million a year, so why isn’t the Bible ever on its list? It is the world’s best-selling book, with over 100 million printed book sales annually (not…

Teaching Better

Ancient Sumer invented the wheel thousands of years ago. We need not reinvent it. Likewise, teachers should build on the teachers before them. I have taught the Bible for 51 years, so let me spare you time “making a wheel”…

Salvation (Soteriology)

Bible teachers often differ on how one begins a right relationship with God. Do we need to confess Jesus publicly, or is it possible to be a “secret Christian”? Will all true believers continue to walk with Jesus, or will…

Research & Writing

Write or grade theses, dissertations, and research papers using these formats. Also included are presentations to guide others on how to narrow down a topic for research and how to cite books, articles, and other sources properly. For other resources,…

Preaching (Homiletics)

Dr. Rick Griffith has taught 47 preaching courses in seven nations since 1992. The first 32 presentations below share what he taught these many pastors. The others are by Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary when he trained preachers…

Parables of Jesus

No one has ever taught like Jesus, the Master Story Teller. Part of his genius was to use stories where listeners had to think seriously about what he said, even though each parable’s elements were familiar—sheep, goats, fishing, and business…

OT Survey

We should know every Old Testament book since each has a unique message. Thus, click the images below for all the OT books in a free video or PPT format. Each book typically has only one PowerPoint presentation, but they…

OT Preaching

Download hundreds of sermons that cover each OT book. Just click on the sermon PPT titles below to download the presentations. Forgive the lack of images as on other links on this website, but this page has 641 files and…

OT Critical Studies

No book in human history has had more critics than the Bible. This makes sense because no other book makes greater claims over our lives. These accusations demand reasoned answers that this course seeks to provide. Use the presentations and…

OT Backgrounds

If you picked up an ancient book without any knowledge of that era, customs, or language, you could understand some of it due to common experiences with your own life. But you could comprehend it much better by learning about…

Olivet Discourse

Just days before his crucifixion, Jesus left Jerusalem’s temple area toward the Mount of Olives east of the city. His disciples were amazed at the glorious gold building shining in the sun, but Jesus predicted that the temple would soon…

NT Survey

Presentations here average 605 PowerPoint slides per NT book, but some larger books like Acts or Revelation have more than 1500 slides. (See the number of slides on each file name.) See NT Preaching for more detailed studies on a…

NT Preaching

Viewing PPTs of various sermons can help us better understand NT texts. Some PPT files also have their manuscript or outline called “notes.” Each full manuscript shows what to say for each sermon and is typically by Dr. Rick Griffith…

NT Critical Studies

No book has been attacked more than the Bible. So, how should we respond? Click on any presentation below to download an editable response to the critics of the New Testament. Each image is a PowerPoint file, and various Word…

NT Backgrounds

All books assume that readers know some facts which are left unexplained. The NT is no exception, so it rarely explains geography, Pharisees, Sadducees, Roman emperors, the Intertestamental history of the Greeks and Romans, and many other subjects. Therefore, knowledge…


Preaching can get stale, so download these 18 first-person narratives of biblical characters editable in Microsoft Word. Each author’s name appears in parentheses in the file name. Thanks to Dr. Steve Newman, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Lodi,…


We need to share the gospel better cross-culturally since everyone comes from a different culture than us. So, learn from Dr. Jackson Wu how to use terms that mean something different to you than they do to others. In short,…

Miracles of Jesus

Jesus performed 61 miracles in the gospels listed here, so perhaps no one has preached them all. But Matt Lyle and Manik Corea preached ten of them at Crossroads International Church in Singapore from 2021-2022. Download the PowerPoint • handout …


Marriage is the closest relationship on earth, so it deserves attention above all other associations. Marriage counselor Dr. Karl Elkins has counseled more than 3,000 clients and shares some of his resources at this link to improve our and others’…

Life of Christ

No life has even begun to impact the world more than the life of Christ. Therefore, of all people, his life is worth our study. The 2526 PPT slides for this course expand on the 47 pages of course notes.…


The last command of Jesus before leaving earth was for his followers to make disciples (Matt 28:19). Through the kindness of Dr. Ken and Rev. Ron Horton, founders of Ministry Catalysts, the materials below can help you better mentor, disciple,…

Jesus (Christology)

No pictures of Jesus exist from the first century. Yet his life is the most amazing ever. This course highlights the theology of how Christ’s person (who he was and is) and his work (what he did and does) are…

Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)

Who is the Holy Spirit, and how does he work among us? The 1048 slides in these presentations seek to show his nature as God and his deeds among both believers and unbelievers. This includes the spiritual gifts that he…


Learn OT Hebrew through 46 videos with master teacher David Brewer. He has taught biblical Hebrew for over 30 years worldwide using charts, songs, cartoons, and other creative means. Handouts Recommended Digital Resource The digital version of The First Hebrew…


The four gospels provide the foundation of the New Testament by introducing the theology, work, and person of Jesus Christ, the central figure of the NT and of all history. These 3,484 slides give basic teachings of each gospel and…

Future (Eschatology)

Everyone wants to know the future, but few know what the Bible says about it—even though 27% of Scripture predicts it! Hopefully, these 2391 PPT slides will help clear some confusion. Download them simply by clicking each image. The bottom…

Expedition Bible

To learn how archaeology supports the Bible, see the YouTube channel by archaeologist Joel Kramer by clicking below.


Someone shared the gospel with you, but you can still benefit from these free evangelism resources to understand and share the message with others. See also Topical Preaching or the Salvation course, or search for the terms faith or the…


Genesis 1–11 is the foundation of the whole Bible, including the gospel. Critics often know this better than Christians, so unbelievers have leveled many attacks against a normal reading of these critical chapters. Unfortunately, some Christians join their ranks with…

Course Notes

Courses on this page comprise more than 20,000 pages of classes being taught worldwide. Dr. Rick Griffith wrote 28 of the 48 PDF courses (and 28 of the 31 Word courses), but others have contributed their areas of expertise.  The…

Church Transformation

Too many churches have plateaued, so Dr. Gordon Penfold has made it his calling to help. He is the Executive Director of Fresh Start Ministries and co-founder of Turnaround Pastor, Inc. His research on 146 pastors in all fifty states,…

Church Dynamics

Thanks to Dr. Scott Wooddell, pastor at Eastridge Park Christian Church in Mesquite, Texas, there is a great deal of wisdom for church leaders in only 173 PPT slides to bring us from darkness to light.

Church (Ecclesiology)

This link provides a theology of the Church and practical help on church leadership, discipline, women’s roles, and unity. Implementing change and getting believers to use their spiritual gifts also receive attention. For more detailed help, click Church Dynamics and…

Biblical Theology

Many PPT presentations at BibleStudyDownloads use the same slides, so this link shows slides that reappear in various courses. These slides comprise an excellent summary of the Bible’s teaching throughout its various books, so the “Common Themes Through the Bible”…

Biblical Counseling

We all need insight into God, ourselves, and the interplay between God and us. Dr. Troy Josey and his wife, Kristen, have helped many over the years to see how the Bible alone provides the foundation for this clarity. Dr.…

Bible Study (Hermeneutics)

This course is also called How to Study the Bible or Bible Study Methods. It shows how to observe Scripture before interpreting it and helps readers better understand texts before applying them. Also included are studies on outlining a passage,…

Bible Geography

The Bible assumes that readers know most locations. The inspired manuscripts also lack maps, so these presentations can help Bible readers see Scripture more visually. It begins with how Dr. Rick Griffith came to love the Jesus of this geography…

Bible Exposition

This Bible Exposition link shows each Bible book in one sermon. Download the PowerPoint • sermon manuscript in Word • handout in Word • handout in PDF • or listen to the audio • or watch the video .  Each…

Bible Basically

For 30 years Dr. John Fryman in Texas taught The Bible…Basically® seminar. This 10-hour experience from Genesis to Revelation gives a basic outline of Scripture six times! TBB includes three parts: Since 2003, Singapore Bible College and Jordan Evangelical Theological…

Asian Church History

Most church historians trace the expansion of Christ’s message westward from Jerusalem into Europe. But long-time global worker Steve Nichols at Word of Life Asia in Jeju, Korea, teaches the little-taught story of how the gospel moved eastward into Asia.…


Apologetics counters attacks on the Christian faith. The Greek apologia means “defense,” so these free apologetics resources protect the Gospel. For related materials on evangelism, see the Topical Preaching or the Salvation course, or search for the terms faith or…

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