The Story of Scripture

The New York Times defines a “best seller” when book sales top one million a year, so why isn’t the Bible ever on its list? It is the world’s best-selling book, with over 100 million printed book sales annually (not counting digital versions!). Sadly, even Christians need a basic familiarity with this best-seller, so Dallas Theological Seminary developed The Story of Scripture seminars to fill the void. The edited 13 sessions below will not answer all your questions, but they comprise an engaging, professional, and visual overview of the Scripture narrative. After all, the Bible is primarily a story of a loving God reaching out to people who continually reject him. DTS provides them free in Keynote for Mac (scroll to the bottom), but they are also offered first below in PowerPoint (for both Mac and PC). Please use them but do not edit them except to translate them into other languages. After translation, please send your files to to provide translations for others in the left column.

PowerPoint Presentations

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