
ما هو هذا الموقع كل شيء؟

حان الوقت والجودة. نحن أكثر انشغالًا من أي وقت مضى (= وقت أقل)، ولكننا نتوقع المزيد من العناصر المرئية الجذابة (= جودة أفضل). كيف يمكننا تصميم أكثر إثارة للاهتمام العروض عندما يكون لدينا وقت أقل?  We need to work hard on fewer presentations but then share these with others. This way, we will all grow in our study, teaching, and preaching of the Bible.  Of the 46 courses on this site, 31 are designed by me (Dr. Rick Griffith), but I also have others share good courses with me that will bless others outside of my specialty in biblical studies. The site is the culmination of my teaching God’s Word for 51 years. Freely download 5896 files in 256 courses, 47,000 pages of course notes and sermon manuscripts in Word and PDF formats, more than 3049 files in English, and hundreds of translations by my students and other translators totaling 54 languages.  English has 109,000 slides; the most translated languages include 55,000 Chinese and 85,000 Arabic slides. Every biblical book in مسح OT و مسح NT now has at least 150 slides with an average of 487 slides per book of the Bible, plus thousands more in many sermons. The site may look plain, but inside each presentation, you’ll find many color pictures, diagrams, and charts in an attractive format. The Bible courses now total over 70,000 English slides.

ما نوع الملفات الموجودة في هذا الموقع؟

Experts say we learn in different ways.  Some learn primarily by listening (auditory learners), others by doing (experiential learners), and still others by seeing (visual learners).  As a visual learner, I am in the last group, having grown up in the TV generation that believes “a picture is worth a thousand words.”  There are thousands of websites where you can learn the Bible in written articles, but whatever you learn from these, you must paste it into your visual presentation for your benefit and to teach others.  So, this site helps fill in the gap.  As far as I know, there is no other website with thousands of free, ready-made PPT presentations to learn and teach the Bible in many languages. If you find others, don’t hesitate to contact me at DrRickGriffith@gmail.com. I want to share resources with these authors and link them to this site. Anyway, people learn best by combining hearing, doing, and seeing. Hence, the PPT presentations include text for the teacher to share in the notes section (hearing), small group projects (doing), and attractive pictures on nearly every slide (seeing).

كيف يمكنني استخدام هذا الموقع؟

In addition to 109,000 PPT slides in English, I have also uploaded over 47,000 pages of Microsoft Word files and PDFs that cover 46 courses.  You can study or teach any book of the Bible visually, teach an entire course with the PPT and notes, or pick a presentation for personal study, teaching, or preaching.  Some pastors use the sermon PPT and manuscripts to teach a series.  Others teach various courses on apologetics & evangelism, Bible backgrounds, how to study the Bible, Bible geography, leadership, missions, or courses in theology.  One key feature of the site is الكتاب المقدس... في الأساس, a seminar of nearly 1000 slides. It brings learners through the whole Bible six times in ten hours. The معرض الكتاب المقدس link has about 100 slides per Bible book in a single message, along with the manuscript, extra handouts, audio, and video. Also, use the search feature to see which presentation may address the topic you need.

هل استطيع حقًا قم بتنزيل واستخدام هذه الملفات لـ حر?

Honestly, there is no “catch.”  Free downloads might sound too good to be true when others charge a lot of money for presentations, but you must take my word for it.  God has blessed me as a fully supported missionary professor, so I don’t need to make my living from this site.  Please do NOT even write to me to ask permission to use them, as this fills both my inbox and my time.  However, you can say “thanks” via email (DrRickGriffith@gmail.com) or give a هدية.

من هو الدكتور ريك جريفيث؟

2016-02 Dr Rick Griffith

Dr. Rick Griffith serves 21 nations from MENA (Middle East/North Africa) as Academic Dean and Professor of Bible Exposition at Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (JETS) in Amman. From 1991-2021, he and his wife Susan trained Asian leaders from 21 other nations at Singapore Bible College. At BibleStudyDownloads.org, Rick offers 391,000 free PowerPoint slides and articles in 46 courses to Christian leaders in 54 languages. He served as Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Director at Singapore Bible College from 2012-2021.  He mainly taught the Bible (OT and NT) and preaching courses and helped start a K-12 international school (ics.edu.sg). في عام 2006، قام الدكتور ريك بزراعة كنيسة كروسرودز الدولية (cifamily.com) to reach people in Singapore and served as pastor-teacher until 2021. He has taught and recruited other professors and pastors to prepare Christian leaders on 73 trips to a dozen lesser-developed Asian nations such as Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam, etc. He also wrote the Advanced Studies in New and Old Testament courses available at the Internet Biblical Seminary (www.internetseminary.org). نشأ ريك وسوزان في كاليفورنيا، لكنه حصل على شهادة Th.M. (في الوزارات الرعوية) والدكتوراه. (في شرح الكتاب المقدس) من مدرسة دالاس اللاهوتية في تكساس. وهم المبشرين مع WorldVenture ولديها ثلاثة أبناء وثلاث زوجات وثلاثة أحفاد في ثلاث ولايات في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. تواصل مع الدكتور ريك أون فيسبوك.

من صمم هذه الملفات؟

I have taught the Bible for 51 years, so this site is the culmination of my life’s ministry.  However, over 800 others (mostly grad students) have designed and translated tens of thousands of slides on this site.  I am indebted to them and other Bible professors and pastors who allow me to upload their courses.  This is a community effort.

أين يمكنني أن أجد الصوت والفيديو؟

انظر معرض الكتاب المقدس link and videos on بعد ذلك و NT النصوص. الوصول إلى الخطبة الصوتية على كنيسة مفترق الطرق الدولية و كنيسة عمان العالمية. بعض الدورات (مسح OT, خلفيات أو تي, مسح NT, خلفيات NT, الوعظوما إلى ذلك) قم أيضًا بتضمين الصوت و/أو الفيديو بجوار PPT وملاحظات العرض التقديمي.

ما هي اللغات الموجودة على هذا الموقع؟

This site currently offers 54 languages on the sidebar. The number next to each language shows how many courses offer files in that language. The most translated slides from إنجليزي (109,000) are in عربي (85,000), صينى (55,000), and Bahasa Indonesia (17,000).

ولكن ألا يحتوي هذا الموقع على مواد محمية بحقوق الطبع والنشر؟

Yes, it does.  The site includes tens of thousands of copyrighted pictures.  Therefore, لا تبيع أيًا من الملفات التي تقوم بتنزيلها!  لذا، هذا هو "إعلان الاستخدام العادل" الخاص بي.  This site contains copyrighted material that has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner, especially in terms of images within PowerPoint presentations.  I am making such materials available to advance the reader’s teaching, scholarship, and research of biblical, theological, and practical issues.  I believe this constitutes a “fair use” of any such copyrighted material as provided in section 107 of the US Copyright Law since these materials are for nonprofit educational purposes, they never copy an entire work, nor do they affect the potential market value of the copyrighted works.  In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.  For more information, go to www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml.

ما هو المنظور اللاهوتي الذي تمثله هذه الملفات؟

I am an evangelical Christian with a high view of Scripture.  My Th.M. in Pastoral Ministries and Ph.D. in Bible Exposition were from Dallas Theological Seminary. I agree with the DTS doctrinal statement هنا.  The 109,000 English PPT slides and 47,000 pages of notes and sermons on this site reflect over 51 years of Bible teaching, which I trust implicitly as the Word of God written without error.  If you are theologically astute, then you will understand what I mean when I describe myself this way: Trinitarian inerrantist, biblical (Young Earth) creationist, upholding biblical authorship (Moses on Pentateuch, Solomon on Ecclesiastes, Daniel and Isaiah as stated, Pauline authorship of 13 letters, etc.), revised dispensationalist (but leaning towards progressive), pretribulational, premillennial, 3- or 4-point Calvinist (total depravity, unconditional election, irresistible grace, perseverance of God to maintain our salvation), 1- or 2-point Arminian (unlimited atonement, recognition that believers do not all sustain their faith until death), free grace (not Lordship) salvation where one must trust Jesus as truly Lord (meaning he is God) but salvation comes by grace through simple trust in Christ as Savior, partial cessationist (non-charismatic), denominationally Baptistic with the pastor as first among equal elders but with the congregation having final authority, immersion, representative Lord’s Supper, divorce and remarriage allowed for adultery & desertion by an unbeliever, autonomy of the local church, complementarian, biblical marriage, blended worship, and expository preacher. Besides these, I can’t think of any other labels right now.

هل يمكنني تعديل الملفات التي قمت بتحميلها؟

People have warned me about offering editable PowerPoint and Word files. They say, “You better only give people a PDF that can’t be edited. Otherwise, they will change it and misquote you.”  I appreciate the warning—I really do. However, offering only non-editable files will prevent translators from quickly translating them into their heart language. I’d rather risk being misquoted than hinder the Word of God from going forth in other languages. But PS: Please don’t misquote me.

كيف يجب أن أستشهد بالملفات التي أقوم بتنزيلها؟

Good scholarship shows integrity, so please be honest about your sources.  Each PPT file indicates on the first slide that it comes from this BibleStudyDownloads.org site.  Please do not delete these slides so others can go to the source.  If you cite this site, use the following format.  If you edit a slide, precede the citation with “Adapted from…”

الحاشية السفلية الأولى:
4 Rick Griffith, “Daniel” (PowerPoint presentation, Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, 2021), https://biblestudydownloads.org/resources/old-testament-survey/ (accessed 9 August 2024), slide 218.

حاشية لاحقة:
25 غريفيث، "دانيال"، الشريحة 244.

Griffith, Rick. “Daniel.” PowerPoint presentation, Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, 2021. https://biblestudydownloads.org/resources/old-testament-survey/ (accessed 9 August 2024).

ماذا لو لم يتم فتح الملفات التي تم تنزيلها؟

Older Office software cannot open newer files.  Look at the end of the file name.  If it says “.ppt,” I saved the file in PowerPoint 2006 and before (PC)/2007 format.  These should be able to be opened by all versions of PowerPoint.  However, a few files have “.pptx” at the end.  This means that I saved the file into PowerPoint 2007-present (PC) or 2008-present format for Mac.  Only these updated versions of PowerPoint software can open .pptx files.

However, try this trick if you only have a pre-2006 version of Office.  With the file closed and while looking at the file name only on your hard drive, manually delete the “x” off the “.pptx” appended at the end of the file name, then click outside this file name to complete the change.  Then try opening it.  Your computer will think that it is an older version of PowerPoint.  The same applies to older versions of Word and Excel—just eliminate the “x” in the file name.  This is cheaper and faster than buying more software.  However, it also means that you will miss some of the nicer functions of the newer software and will have to clean up the files to make the fonts and animations work.

Some files won’t open because they got corrupted somehow.  Email me at DrRickGriffith@gmail.com وأخبرني باسم الملف حتى أتمكن من إصلاحه وتحميل نسخة نظيفة.

كيف يمكنني الانتقال من اللغة الإنجليزية إلى المواد المترجمة والعودة؟

When looking at a page with the files for download, click on the language links at the bottom to access the English and other available translations for that course.

ما هي الحروف والأرقام المضحكة في أسماء الملفات؟

The website gives a unique name to every file. Note that we use dashes instead of periods as the period confuses some computers. One exception is the period preceding the kind of file. For example, PowerPoint is preceded by the period as “.ppt” (2006 or older) or “.pptx” (2007 or newer). As a sample file name, 02-Exodus-232_eng_os_4998_v4.pptx identifies presentation 2 called Exodus with 232 slides in English for the Old Testament Survey course with presentation 4998 in version 4 in updated (post-2007) PowerPoint format. All versions 4 and higher have been reduced in size for easier download. Finally, to avoid confusion, no language abbreviation is the same as any course abbreviation.  Each language is abbreviated with the three-letter ISO 693-3 format, while each course has a two-letter format unique to this website.

كيف يمكنني ربط ملاحظات الدورة مع برنامج PowerPoint الخاص بها؟

Just look at the number in the upper right-hand corner of each slide.  The PPT presentation name is generally the same as the course notes.  I say “generally” because the notes for all of the Old Testament books are in the OT Survey notes—and likewise, the NT book notes are within the NT Survey notes. If no number appears on the slide, it supplements the notes, and I haven’t made a handout for it yet.

ماذا لو لم تظهر بعض الصور على الشريحة؟

I have tried to use only JPEG pictures in the presentations since these are the most common ones read by computers. However, if you find an unreadable TIFF, PNG, or other file format and use a PC, you must purchase and install software that allows your PC to read these file formats. Please email me at drrickgriffith@gmail.com to let me know which presentation and slide need editing.

كيف يمكنني تصميم عروض PowerPoint التقديمية الخاصة بي؟

يعد تصميم عروض PPT التقديمية جزءًا من العلم وجزءًا من الفن. إنها مهارة، لكنها مهارة يمكن لأي شخص أن يتعلمها، على الرغم من أن أولئك الذين لديهم ذوق فني سوف يتقنونها بشكل طبيعي أكثر. للحصول على ملخص من 4 صفحات حول كيفية تصميم برنامج PowerPoint واستخدامه، انقر فوق PPT_Tips_6th_ed.

أين يمكنني سماع الكتاب المقدس عبر الإنترنت؟

الاستماع إلى كلمة الله في أي 2306+ اللغات — أو حتى تنزيلها — بمجرد النقر عليها هنا. انظر الروابط إلى مواقع مفيدة أخرى في أعلى هذه الصفحة.

كيف يمكنني الحصول على النشرات الإخبارية الشهرية؟

اطلع على النشرات الإخبارية السابقة أو اشترك في قائمتنا البريدية لتلقي الرسائل المستقبلية عن طريق النقر هنا.

ما هو سر معنى الحياة؟

Here is the most essential FAQ ever. Click السر – الإصدار 11.2 (بول تانر).

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