A Letter from Judas

Sorry, it’s been a while since my last newsletter. So many people want to see Jesus we’ve hardly had time to eat! But this is all good. The message of the kingdom is getting out ahead of my schedule.

Jesus often tells people to count the cost to follow him. I’ve done that many times—and I figured that only a few short years traveling with Jesus will be worth it in the long haul. Soon he will rule here on this earth just like Isaiah said: “The government will be on his shoulders…” So cool. How honored to be one to reign with him. Power. That’s what it’s all about and Jesus definitely has it to share.

But there are benefits even now. Jesus recently appointed me Secretary of the Treasury, so I exercise some of those rights now if you know what I mean. Like the theologians say: already… but not yet. Counting costs is what I do best.

I don’t want to appear proud, but I can say that Jesus certainly has a bit to learn. He keeps telling the crowds that he is “the way to eternal life.” Whatever. Sounds esoteric to me. My point is that we are already living on this earth and need to make the best of it now. I try to sift the wheat from the chaff in what he says. After all, he doesn’t have nearly the training of our national leaders in Jerusalem with whom I am building a relationship that should benefit us both.

Jesus announced that we will soon head toward Jerusalem. This makes sense since no Davidic king ever ruled from any other city. I can’t say that I understand it all. He also talks cryptically about suffering and dying—yet I guess every other king in Israel eventually died. But think of the glory and power before we eventually die! Jesus even promised that the Twelve will rule each on his own throne over the twelve tribes of Israel. That can’t come soon enough.

Anyway, until then, we do appreciate the financial gifts of those of you who have invested in our group. Thanks so much!

On behalf of the kingdom bros,


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