14,965 Days

Today, Susan officially has tolerated me as her husband for 14,965 days. This is better known as 41 years, but it becomes all the more remarkable when I think of it in days. How has this been possible when many marriages have not survived?

Every married couple must find their rhythm, and no two marriages are alike. But below lie four keys that have unlocked more joy, purpose, and love than I could have imagined.

KEY 1: TOGETHERNESS. We are all individuals, but we try to do as many things together as possible. We never eat alone; we go to bed together and wake up together for the one with the earliest commitment and pray for an hour together.

KEY 2: TRUST. All bank accounts are jointly held, as there is no “his money” and “her money.” Our computers share all photos, contacts, calendars, and lists since there are also no secrets to protect.

KEY 3: BASIS. Everyone makes decisions based on some standard, be it reason, tradition, whim, or an absolute foundation. We chose the last one 41 years ago today. Reading the whole Bible annually at three chapters a day has cemented it as our ultimate basis for decades.

KEY 4: PRIORITIES. When looking to the new year, people often say, “I need to start living by my priorities.” But we all already do that. This is what makes them priorities. We pray that we will change our priorities to align with those of Jesus. So far, this has led us to serve overseas for 36 years, but the when, where, and how will differ for every couple.

May you find Him in all your days.
